What Is Mediation?
I regard mediation as a process, rather than an event, in which an impartial person assists individuals and entities in disputes, shape solutions that they each find to be appropriate and acceptable in a private and cooperative setting. I encourage them to think about their goals, what their needs are and what is in their best interests, rather than what they are giving up.
How Does Mediation Work for You?
Resolves disputes to the satisfaction of all parties and allows them to move on with their personal lives and business interests.
- Control
Enables freedom of choice concerning critical decisions affecting personal, financial and business interests and avoids the risk that someone else will decide the outcome of the dispute.
- Affordability
Costs only a fraction of litigation or arbitration, thereby saving resources to use in preferred ways such as strengthening the business bottom line.
- Flexibility
Allows the process to easily be tailored to fit the parties’ needs and schedules.
Promotes the fair and respectful treatment of parties and achieves justice without others’ harsh judgments.
- Privacy
Maintains privacy and confidentiality as opposed to the public forum of litigation.
- Timeliness
Allows disputes to be more quickly resolved than through time-consuming litigation.
- Less Stress
Eliminates courtroom anxiety and focuses on parties’ “needs” and “interests” instead of “rights” and “positions” in a calm environment.